Frequently Asked Questions

What does CMBA stand for?
Camrose Minor Ball Association

What is the cut-off date for the various division age categories?
The player's age as of December 31st of the registration year is used to determine their age category.

What does it cost to play baseball?
All costs associated with playing in the House League program are covered by CMBA registration fees. In the Rep program, additional funding is required either directly from the families or through team fundraising.

What is Community or Competitive baseball?
Community is our House League program, season goes from mid April to the end of June, please click on Division and choose the age level for more information. Competitive is our Rep program, season goes from mid April to the end of July, please click on Division and choose the age level for more information.

What is the Rally Cap program?
The Rally Cap program, formerly known as T-ball, targets kids at the "grassroots" level, ages 5-7 years old. The goals are similar to T-ball, to create an environment in which children and adults can have fun together, learn baseball skills, rules and strategies, model and teach competitiveness with an emphasis on good sportsmanship and promote an increased self-esteem among the children and adults.
Additional information is posted on CMBA's website
Rally Cap Division page.

When can I register my children and how do I register them?
Registration starts online early in the year. Please check the registration tab on the website. CMBA also hosts two registration dates. Please check online and in the local newspaper for details. If registering online, you must pick up your raffle tickets at a registration night. Please note, there are no refunds for raffle tickets. 

When does league play begin and end?
Depending on field conditions, play usually begins during the first week of May and ends during the last week of June for House League teams. Rep teams also play during July and August, the length of time depends on the success of the team as it advances through to Provincial Championships and/or post Provincial Championships such as the Westerns and Nationals (where applicable).

Which days of the week does the House League play and where do they play?
The House League teams in Rally Cap to Midget divisions play on weeknights, Monday to Friday. Due to the tight restraints on diamonds, some practices will be held on Sunday evenings. Where they play will be dependent on league registrations for individual divisions.

What if my child wants to play at a higher/lower division or more competitive level?
CMBA will review requests to play either underage in a higher division of ball or overage in a lower division of ball pending their level of skill/experience or specific circumstance such as playing with a sibling. Each player must attend evaluations to ensure an assessment is completed and the level of play is deemed appropriate. See the CMBA Player Acceleration/Play down Policy for further information.
CMBA also offers a Rep program comprised of Competitive (AA & AAA) level teams for those players who wish to play at a higher level of competition.

What do I have to supply my child to play and what does CMBA supply?
For play in House League, CMBA supplies balls, catcher equipment. Uniforms will also be supplied, which include the jersey, which must be returned at the end of the season. (Rally Cap t-shirts are provided and may be kept by the children.) Players will be responsible to bring a helmet, ball glove, ball cap, cleats (optional) and Jock or Jill (recommended).
For play in Rep League, CMBA supplies practice balls, one dozen game balls, catcher equipment. Uniform tops will be supplied, which are to be returned at the end of the season. Players are responsible to bring ball glove, helmet, cleats, Jock or Jill, ball pants, ball socks, and bats. Rep players will also be responsible for any team jackets, pants, hats, etc. which the team may purchase.

Is there an evaluation or tryout process my child must participate in?
Yes, all players in Rookie division through to Midget division at the House League level participate in a basic skill assessment/evaluation in early-April in order that CMBA may provide a level of balance in the selection of teams, all registrants will ultimately be placed on a team. Rep players MUST participate in the tryout process and be selected to qualify for a team. This process starts in March. 
Evaluations and tryouts are held at the Camrose Fieldhouse or outdoors (pending weather). Additional information will be posted on CMBA website.

How and when will I be contacted for team assignments and league start dates?
At the House League level, following player evaluations team rosters are determined by the House League Director and/or in conjunction with Team Coaches. Usually this process is completed 1.5 to 2 weeks prior to the start of season. The completed rosters are then forwarded (e-mailed) to each of the assigned coaches & posted on websites. The coaches in turn will notify each member either by phone or via e-mail at least one week prior to the posted season start date. Final Rep team rosters are determined and communicated to the players by the selected coach, then forwarded to the respective Rep Directors for posting to website.

Can I be a Coach, do I need to be certified and does CMBA host Coaching Clinics?
Yes, CMBA is continually looking for enthusiastic and committed volunteers to coach at all levels for both the House League and Rep League programs. CMBA offers a tremendous amount of support to our coaches and hosts an NCCP Coach Clinic each year, in addition to those programs offered online through Baseball Alberta/Canada. Various levels of certification are required at the Rep level and CMBA encourages all House League coaches to at least complete the online initiation coach module.

Can I be an Umpire, do I need to be certified and does CMBA host Umpire Clinics?
Yes, if you are 13 years or older, looking for a good summer job and want to be part of the "game", CMBA offers above average pay, work incentives and rewards, umpire gear, free training and mentoring. All umpires, regardless of level they intend to officiate, must be trained and certified, each spring CMBA through Baseball Alberta hosts a Level 1 and 2 Clinic in addition to an Umpire-Coach Clinic.
Refer to CMBA website
Coaches/Umpires page for additional details.

I want to volunteer, how do I get involved?
CMBA continually encourages and promotes opportunities to our membership, other family members and/or friends to volunteer and get involved in various aspects of our program. Our entire Association is based on committed volunteers who together deliver a quality and fun-filled program that ensures our children realize lasting experiences, opportunities to establish new friendships, abilities to enhance their skill set and be provided the very best facilities, equipment and resources. When registering your child, various volunteer opportunities are identified on the form, as well there are many other roles and requirements available, please consider these and contact any Board Member to inquire about the other roles and how you may be able to assist us.
If there is only one thing you can offer...let it be your attendance at your child's game.

If I have a concern or grievance to bring forward, what is the process to follow?
If the occasion arises for a player, a parent, coach or spectator to ask for information, seek clarification on a situation, give positive input or to voice their concerns, please go through the proper channels as listed below or see the CMBA Conflict Resolution Policy.

House League:

  • First speak to the Coach, if not satisfied,
  • Go to the House League Director, if not satisfied,
  • Go to the CMBA Executive

Rep League

  • First speak to the Rep Coach, if not satisfied,
  • Go to the respective Rep Director, if not satisfied,
  • Go to the CMBA Executive


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