CMBA Coach and Manager Information

The CMBA Board wants to thank all coaches and volunteers who put their personal time into our program. We know first hand what type of commitment it takes to be a part of any sports program and we appreciate everything you do for the Association and our Athletes. We thank you all for stepping up and taking on this vital role with your group. We also know just how difficult it can be to get ready for your season and have everything set up in order to just get off the ground. There is always a lot of confusion or lack of information provided to you in order to get everything ready, so CMBA has started this page with the intention to provide as much information in order to get you started every year.


Rally Cap, Rookie, Community and Rep Program information/writeups are on our website homepages for you to review and be familiar with on the following pages.


Please ensure you familiarize yourself with the CMBA Website Coach Information pages for the following requirements

Safety/Medical Forms

Injury Reports

Concussion Information

Criminal Records Check form (These must be completed for all coaches, managers and volunteers and submitted to the CMBA President @

General Coaching Requirements needed for coaches at whatever level they are at 

Coaching Clinic Information 


CMBA requirements regarding any type of bookings/schedule of team events, training, practices, games, etc.

  • Teams booking any events (ex: practices, games, etc.) in any of the Camrose Ball Diamonds or Facilities, MUST be scheduled through the CMBA Scheduling Director Davin Wilcox This is required for insurance purposes and for tracking team usage. All events scheduled, whether with the City of Camrose or other, will be tagged by the team/head coach in order to cross reference usage when we are invoiced. CMBA will contact teams about what they owe upon receipt of these invoices.
  • All AA teams will be provided 2 diamond practice time slots per week (generally Tuesday/Thursday) starting from last week of April going until July 31stor until teams are completed Provincial Weekends that are covered by the player registration fees. AA teams will also be given 1 Batting Cage & Bullpen time/session per week. Anything above and beyond these provided facility times will then be at the expense of individual teams. 
  • All Non-Rep teams (RC, 9U, 11U 13U, 15U and 18U) will be provided 1 diamond practice time slot per week (generally Sunday's) starting from May 1stgoing until June 30th that is covered by the player registration fees. Non-Rep teams will also be given 1 Batting Cage & Bullpen time/session per week. The schedule for diamond & batting cages is posted on our website. Anything above and beyond these provided facility times will then be at the expense of individual teams.


All Schedules are available on our website under the Diamonds and Facilities Tab.  


Team Equipment/Diamond Equipment

  • CMBA Equipment Director Lance Zimmer
  • CMBA Facilities Director Clint Mitchell
  • Please contact Lance Zimmer to arrange equipment pick up and Uniform pick ups.
  • Sign-out sheets of what is provided will be completed for your team and a $250 post dated cheque will need to be provided by the person responsible for the team equipment. The cheque will remain uncashed and returned to the responsible person when all equipment is returned in good order. 
  • Any team wanting any other team specific athletic wear will need to ensure it is using CMBA approved Branding. If you are unsure, please contact your rep directors.  
  • CMBA will ensure that all diamonds are equipped with such equipment as L-Screens, Tee’s, Bases, spare bases or straps, hammers and any other equipment needed.


Team Roster Submission's and Player Transfers

  • Initial team rosters are submitted by CMBA to Baseball Alberta by the CMBA Registrar. 
  • In the event your AA team has an import requiring a Player Transfer Form to be filed, it is located at the above Baseball Alberta page as well. If your unsure about the player transfer process, please click this link for information on the process. The Player transferring is responsible for the $25 Baseball Alberta fee to complete the transfer. The players/guardians are responsible to get the forms filled in by their home associations and forward off to the CMBA President at for final approval for transfer into our Association for the season. Player transfers can not be grandfathered in nor carry over to subsequent years.


FOR 11U AA and 13U AA ONLY re: Umpires for home games

  • Home teams are responsible to Assign Umpires using their home Association umpires for all League Games in each Round. Provincial Championships will be assigned by Baseball Alberta. Please contact Clint Mitchell at with these requests when assigned home games by Baseball Alberta


Team Fee’s / Additional Fee’s

  • Teams will be responsible for their own additional fees/budget


Team Pictures (May)

  • Monday, May 26 & Tuesday, May 27


We hope this gets you started for the season. If you have any other questions, please contact the appropriate CMBA Board Members going forward.


The CMBA Board

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